

"Los Tres Ramilletes" and "El Cochero y M. Corneta" in Brattle Hall.

The public performances of "Los Tres Ramilletes" and "El Cochero y M. Corneta," the annual spring the aria's of the Sociedad Espancle, will be given in Brattle Hall this evening at 8 o'clock. Tickets for the plays at $1, and 75 cents are on sale at the Schcehof Book Company, 128a Tremont street, C. A. Koehler's, 149a Tremont street, Boston, and the Co-operative, or may be obtained from P. Tappan, 68 Mt. Auburn street.

"Los Tres Ramilletes," a modern Spanish comedy by Breton de lcs Herseros, deals with the amusing complications which follow Don Narciso's Ecast of his popularity with the ladies. He concocts a scheme to prove his popularity, but the plot is discovered by his friends and the joke is turned on him. In "El Cochero y M. Corneta," the author, Ramon de la Cruy, treats the adventures of Nicodemus, a coachman who is discharge by his master for careless driving.

The casts are as follows: "LOIS TRES RAMILLETES". Juana,  A. G. de Almeida Sp. Don Narcies,  G, Rivera '09. Don Ramon  M. H. Woolman '09 El Capitan,  G. J. Giles Sp. El Boticarie,  E. Machado '09 Un Quidam,  H. W. Packer 2Tg. Pascual,  W. Horn '10. "EL COCHERO Y M. CORNETA Nicodemus,  E. N. Bray '09 M. Corneta,  G. Rivera '09 Tie Paco,  F. M. Ryan '10 Pepa,  J. M. Wright '09 Lola,  J. O. Patterson '09 Andres,  H. Y. Masten '09 Carlos,  F. F., Moir '09 Un Moyo,  C. T. Allen '09 Un Lacayo,  G. Lawton '10


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