

First Race Against Naval Academy.-Crew Went Over Course Yesterday.

Next Wednesday afternoon the University crew will row its first race again the Naval Academy on the Severn. The race will be rowed over a two-mile course and will probably be rowed down stream at 3.30, depending on weather conditions. The crew, with Morgan as substitute, Coach Wray and Manager Howes, arrived at Annapolis yesterday morning. They got out on the water at 4.30, and paddled up over the course in short stretches, accompanied by Coach Wray in a single. After coming in, the men took a run before dinner. The order of the crew is as follows: Stroke, Sargent; 7, Richardson; 6, Bacon; 5, Waid; 4, Lunt; 3, Severance; 2, Fish, bow, Faulkner; cox., Blagden.

The Harvard Club of Maryland has chartered a boat to follow the race. The boat will start from the foot of Broadway, Baltimore, at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning. Lunch will be served on board and the party will be returned to Baltimore after the race. Several naval officers and guests of the club will be on boards and all graduates and undergraduates and their guests are invited to join the party. The cost of the trip, including lunch, will be $3 each. Those who wish to join the party should apply to Geo. W. Taylor, 701 Maryland Trust Building, Baltimore.


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