
Hughes Club Formed Last Night

The Hughes Club was organized in the Assembly Room of the Union last evening with about a hundred members. L. L. Falk 2L. called the meeting to order and appointed a committee, consisting of J. B. Davis 2L., W. McLaughlin '10 and G. S. Taylor '08, to draw up a constitution.

The following officers were then elected: president, L. L. Falk 2L.; vice-president, G. S. Taylor '08; secretary and treasurer, G. Emerson '08; executive committee, the three officers, J. B. Davis 2L., and C. Apollonio '08. An attempt will be made to get Mr. Hughes to speak to the University on his proposed visit to Boston next Tuesday. After a heated discussion it was decided not to distribute campaign information about Mr. Hughes through the University before the caucus.
