Yesterday the CRIMSON pointed out what it believed were the limitations to Harvard's national character from an undergraduate' point of view. We stated that the best way to appeal to the kind of western men who will give our undergraduate community a more national scope than it now has, is by a gradual invasion of the more distant communities by the undergraduates themselves.
There is another way in which the desired end may be attained, but it will require the unstinted assistance of the Faculty. we believe that in the past too little consideration has been shown by the authorities for the western representation. Our vacations are far too short to make it worth while for many westerners to go home, and the refusal last Christmas to grant the usual time allowance added a new grievance. It is by little matters of this sort that we have obtained a reputation west of here not wholly deserved by any means-for being an inhospitable College. To prove that this is not the case, Faculty as well as undergraduates must now made every effort.
There are undoubtedly many men here now whose opinions on this live topic will be of the greatest help. Communications on the comparative advantages and disadvantages that Harvard offers to the westerner, will be gladly received; and especially any suggestions on how these advantages may be brought home to the future college men of the west.
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