
Entrance Examinations in 1908

The committee on admission announces that the entrance examinations for 1908 will be held on June 22 to 27, and on September 21 to 26 inclusive.

In June the University will ordinarily conduct admission examinations in any school or city where a sufficient number of candidates present themselves for examination. All suggestions concerning new places for examinations will be gladly received, and should be sent to the secretary, J. G. Hart, University 20, Cambridge, Mass. A complete list of places in which examinations will be held will soon be issued. In September, examinations will be held in Cambridge only.

The papers of the College Entrance Examination Board for June, 1908, may be substituted for corresponding papers set for the University examinations, but no candidate can offer both the University and the Board examinations.

The College Entrance Examination Board will hold examinations from June 15 to 20, 1908, inclusive. Applications to attend these examinations must be addressed to the secretary of the College Entrance Examination Board, Post Office Sub-station 84, New York, N. Y., and must be made upon a blank form to be obtained form the secretary upon application.

Applications for examinations at points in the United States east of the Mississippi River, also Minneapolis, St. Louis, and other points on the Mississippi River, must be received by the secretary of the board on or before Monday, June 1, 1908; applications for examinations elsewhere in the United States or in Canada must be received on or before Monday, May 25, 1908; and applications for examinations at points outside of the United States and Canada must be received on or before Monday, May 11, 1908. Applications received later than the dates named will be accepted when it is possible to arrange for the examination of the candidates concerned, but only upon the payment of $5 in addition to the regular examination fee. The examination fee for all candidates examined at points in the United States and Canada is $5, but for all points outside of the United States and Canada the fee is $15.


This fee, which cannot be accepted in advance of the application, should be remitted by postal order, express order, on draft on New York to the order of the College Entrance Examination Board. A list of the places at which examinations will be held by the Board in 1908 may be obtained by addressing the secretary, Professor N. G. McCrea, P. O. Sub-station 84, New York, N. Y.
