The class of 1911 has reached that important date in its career of the Freshman dinner, an institution which has been for years an essential factor in every Freshman class. There can be no question of the importance of the dinner in providing an admirable opportunity to assemble a large number of the class away from all upperclassmen and to encourage the feeling that the class by and large is at least one of the logical units of undergraduate life, and pre-eminently so in Freshman year. The underlying principle of class dinners is that every man in the class should attend and it is successful in so far as this desirable goal is realized.
Freshman dinners vary but little from time to time and it is only the exceptional class that makes the most of its first dinner. There is a splendid chance here for something more than the casual speeches by a few chosen men of the class and it is to be hoped that the speakers tonight will be inspired to present something more vital to the interests of the class than a few worn-out stories. Moreover, the disgraceful disorder of the dinners of not so very many years ago is no longer considered essential to these functions; rather, a cheapening of the good name of the University.
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