The 1910 class pop-night held in the Living Room of the Union last evening, not only broke every tradition of Sophomore indifference, but proved conclusively the success of this novel plan. As a substitute for the annual class dinner it more than satisfied the expectations of the committee, as over 300 men attended, in contrast to the small percentage of men who have attended class dinners, other than Freshman dinners, in recent years. An excellent program was rendered by the Salem Cadet Band and several first-class vaudeville acts, and the committee spared no expense in providing refreshments. The class song proved very popular, and was sung several times with enthusiasm.
The reason of the pop-night's unqualified success was probably due to the informality and sociability of the affair, as well as to the reasonableness of the admission price. Many men preferred to attend an informal class entertainment in Cambridge at a low price rather than to pay twice as much and attend a more or less formal dinner in Boston.
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