
Books Added to Union Library

The following books have recently been added to the Union Library:

"The American Scene," by H. James.

"Arthurian Romances Unrepresented in malory's Morte D'Arthur'," by J. L. Weston.

"The Call of the South," by L. Becke.

"Camping and woodcraft," by H. Kephart.


"The Canterbury Pilgrims," by P. Mackaye '97.

"The Cat and Canary," by Margaret Camaron.

"The Gods in Greece," by L. Dyer '74.

"Letters and Literary Memorials of Samuel J. Tilled," by J. Bigelow.

"The Life and Writings of Rufus Choate," by S. G. Brown.

"The Love of Books," by Richard de Bury, translated by E. C. Thomas.

"Memoirs of the Comtesse de Boigne," edited by M. Charles Nicoullaud.

"Modern Egypt," by the Earl of Cromer.

"My Memoirs," by Alexandre Dumas, translated by E. M. Waller.

"Occasional Papers," by H. B. Irving.

"Offical Guide to Harvard University."

"A Pocketful of Sixpence,' by G. W. E. Russel.

"Problematische Naturen," by F. Spielhagen.

"The Seven Ages of Washington," by O. Wister '82.

"The Spirit of Modern Philosophy," by J. Royee.

"The Symbolistic Movement in Literature," by A. Symons.

To the Top of the Continent," by F. A. Cook.
