
Track Work in Stadium Yesterday

Track practice was held on the Stadium track yesterday afternoon for the first time this season, under the supervision of Coach Lathrop. Last year the first practice was held on March 26, three days later than this year. The track, which has frozen every night until lately, was rather heavy, and the men were obliged to run on the outside in order not to cut up the part nearest the pole. The whole track has been raked, brushed and rolled, and with a few days of favorable weather should be in good shape.

Two of the new jumping pits at the open end of the Stadium are finished and were used yesterday for the first time.

Lack of Men for 1911 Team.

The development of the Freshman track team has been seriously handicapped by a lack of candidates. Many men who have given promise during the winter of being point-winners have not yet reported at Soldiers Field. The handicap and class games are not far away, and this fact alone should prompt all candidates to report at once.
