

Formed at a Meeting of Graduates Last Week.--Officers Elected.

At a meeting of Harvard graduates held last week, a Boston Harvard Club was formed with a charter membership of twenty-two. H. L. Higginson '55 was elected president and the other officers were chosen as follows: vice-presidents, I. T. Burr '79 and J. H. Perkins '98; secretary, A. J. Garceau '91; treasurer, F. S. Mead '87; executive committee, the president, secretary, and treasurer, ex-officiis; E. H. Wells '97, and S. H. Wolcott '03, to serve one year; S. M. Willians '94 and A. Winsor, Jr., '02, to serve two years; O. Roberts '86 and J. W. Lund '90 to serve three years.

The club will include resident and nonresident members, and its purpose is the enthusiastic fostering of Harvard spirit. It is planned to hold an annual dinner where distinguished guests will speak on University topics, and to arrange for smaller gatherings at which undergraduates as well as graduates will be present. Temporary headquarters will be established in Cambridge during Commencement for the reception of returning Harvard graduates. By the formation of this club, Boston will be represented in the councils of the Associated Harvard Clubs and the Federation of Harvard Clubs of New England.

The charter members are: H. L. Higginson '55, I. T. Burr '79, H. M. Williams '85, J. J. Storrow '85, Odin Roberts '86, F. S. Mead '87, H. M. Clarke '88, C. Warren '89, J. W. Lund '90, A. J. Garceau '91, J. A. Parker '91, R. L. Agassiz '92, F. S. Newell '92, G. R. Fearing, Jr., '93, S. M. Williams '94, J. J. Hayes '96, R. H. Hallowell '96, W. L. Garrison, Jr., '97, J. H. Perkins '98, A. Winsor, Jr., '02, S. H. Wolcott '03.
