

Summary of Work of University Squad Practice Still Held Indoors.

The practice of the University baseball squad has been marked by considerable improvement during the past week. The weather has been so cold that going out of doors has been rendered unfeasible, and as a result it has been impossible to introduce any innovations into the regular routine of work. It is doubtful whether the team will be able to leave the Cage before another week has passed. Last Tuesday a cut was made in the fielding squad, thereby reducing its number to 18 men. The battery squad is somewhat larger.

The most noticeable improvement has taken place in the fielding department, in which several of the pitchers have proved their ability to control the various curves. The battle are fast becoming accustomed to the curves and to an increase of speed; and, although they still have a tendency to draw away from the plate, due partly to the poor light of the Cage and also to the inaccuracy with which the balls break over the plate, they are really batting very well for this time of year. Though none of the catchers show great proficiency at present, they are able to hold the curved balls much better than earlier in the season.

The infielders, besides the regular double plays and stopping of grounders, have devoted much time to base sliding and to catching men between bases. In the latter department the work has been of a very poor order, while in the former it has not been of a much higher grade. The base sliding has consisted in sliding back to first base head first and sliding to second either head first or feet first. Considerable improvement ought to be shown in both departments by another week.

Cut Made in Freshman Squad.

The third cut was made in the Freshman baseball squad yesterday, reducing it to 33 men. These cuts will be made every Saturday until the squad has been thoroughly sifted out. The following have been retained and will report Monday at 4 o'clock: Abreu, Angell, Barnwell, Burnham, C. A. Chase, G. W. Chase, Clark, Corbett, Cotting, Carr, Foster, Farnsworth, Hann, Harvey, Hyneman, Lawrence, McLaughlin, Morse, Paul, Murdock, O'Connor, O'Connell, Pope, Sullivan, Steele, Storer, Sweetser, Stiles, Rogers, Taylor, Twichell, and Waterman.
