
Annual Engineering Society Dinner in Union at 7.30

The tenth annual dinner of the Harvard Engineering Society will be held in the Assembly Room of the Union this evening at 7.30 o'clock. The dinner is open to all graduates and undergraduates of the University interested in engineering. Tickets at $1.50 may be obtained before 1 o'clock today from O. W. Hartwell '08, Stoughton 11.

Professor I. N. Hollis h.'99 will be toastmaster and President Eliot will make the opening speech. The other speakers will be Professor H. L. Smyth '83, of the Mining Department; Professor C. A. Adams, of the Electrical Department; Professor H. L. Warren '02, of the Architecture Department; Professor Burr, of Columbia University; Mr. F. P. Fish '75, of the Board of Overseers; Mr. G. A. Kimball, chief engineer of the Boston Elevated Railway Company; and G. A. MacKay '08, president of the Engineering Society.

Invitations have been sent to graduates of all departments of the University, now known to be interested in engineering. Last year some attempt was made to organize a graduates' engineering society, and committees were appointed to draw up a constitution and to nominate officers. The graduates will meet in the Trophy Room at 6 o'clock to organize definitely, adopt a constitution, and elect officers. This graduates' society will be parallel to the Law and Medical School Alumni Associations.
