

General Woodford Spoke of His Fitness for Position of President.

General Stewart L. Woodford, LL.D., D.C.L., President of the National Federation of Hughes Clubs, spoke in the Union last night on Governor Hughes as a presidential candidate.

General Woodford said that every patriotic and wise man in considering a candidate for any great office should ask first, "Is he fit?" and second, "Is he available?" In answer to the first of these questions General Woodford said that he had known Gov. Hughes since the latter graduated from college, and that he had at once recognized in him a genius for work. He distinguished himself as counsel for the commission which was investigating the gas system of New York, and in 1905-06 by his honesty and courage procured the punishment of the guilty officers of the great insurance companies. As Governor of New York he has worked quietly and bravely, not setting the people against the corporations or the corporations against the people, but making both obey the same laws.

As to his availability, his ability to win votes, General Woodford said, everyone of the 15,000,000 policy holders of the insurance companies of America would gratefully cast his ballot for Hughes, and he is the only candidate who can certainly carry the 39 electoral votes of New York so necessary to Republican success.
