
First Day of New H. D. A. Plan

The new system at Memorial Hall, which will be on trial for the next month, was started yesterday. Six tables at the western end of the hall have been reserved for transient members, and the accommodations will be increased with the demand. A small number of new members and a few of the old members are already on the transient list. One hundred men took advantage yesterday of the rebate allowed for Sunday absence.

This allowance for absence, something which has never before been given at the Hall, is the critical point in the new scheme. It will probably entail a loss of at least $100 a week, which must be made up by increase in membership, either transient of permanent, if the finances of the Hall are not to be disastrously affected. Since the mid-year examination period closed the membership list has been growing and is now 920. The Hall can be run most economically when the membership is about 1200, and if that figure is reached the Directors of the Hall feel sure that the cost per week under the new system can be brought considerably below $4.00.
