
Plans for Republican Club

At a meeting of the executive committee of the Republican Club held last night it was definitely decided not to attempt the publication of a paper this spring owing to the difficulty of putting out a really creditable article, which, at the same time, would remain non-partisan as it should. The paper will, however, be issued from the opening of college next fall until after the elections occur.

Republican Club buttons are to be secured which will be given free with the shingles, and will entitle the wearers to reserved seats at the speeches to be delivered under the auspices of the club.

Shingles are now on sale at Leavitt and Peirce's and at Holworthy 6, the permanent headquarters of the club.

All members of the Hughes and Taft clubs, as well as all Republicans not at present identified with either of these clubs are urged at once to join the Republican Club.
