
Political Club Ballot on Friday

At a meeting held last night of the Political Club committee appointed to arrange for a straw ballot, it was decided to hold the ballot for president next Friday in the office of the CRIMSON between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M.

An effort will be made to have the election conducted as nearly as possible in accordance with the regular election laws of the country. Proper officers will be appointed, and the supporters of the various candidates will have watchers and checkers at the polls during the elections.

It has been decided to print the names of the candidates--Bryan, Hughes, Johnson, and Taft--on a single ballot, the men voting to indicate their preference in order. By this means it will be possible to determine the number of votes any candidate would receive under any circumstances, either in the event of his own nomination or the nomination of any other of the candidates.

Provision on the ballot will be made for men to indicate if they favor a third term for President Roosevelt, and if they do, how many will vote for him.

The voting is open to every member of the University whether he belongs to the Political Club or not, and it is hoped that sufficient interest will be shown to insure a large and representative vote.
