

Last week the CRIMSON ventured to suggest that lectures, given in University buildings by eminent men not connected with Harvard, should be made to appeal primarily to undergraduates, and secondly to outsiders who may wish to be present. It was stated then that many students are kept away by the knowledge that all the best seats will be taken by outsiders, and the real Harvard audience relegated to the rear.

Experience has justified this belief. Yesterday Professor Zueblin lectured before an audience that completely filled the ground floor of the New Lecture Hall and overflowed into the gallery. One-half the seats were filled by elderly persons whose connection with Harvard is no more than geographical, the other half-the less desirable half-by members of the University Ior whom the lectures were arranged. It would be well for the Ethical Society and the committee of professors responsible to awake to the fact that Harvard is taking an interest in what Professor Zueblin has to say, and would appreciate a reservation of at least one section of the coveted space.
