

Results of Saturday's Bouts.--Yale and M. I. T. Retained for Finals.

The preliminary meet of the northern division of the Intercollegiate Fencing Association was held Saturday evening in the gymnasium of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Yale, with 15 bouts out of a possible 18, had little difficulty in winning. Technology was second with 8 bouts won, and Harvard, with only 4 bouts, was third.

The University team missed the services of former Captain C. A. Bliss '08, who took part in the earlier meets, but who has left College. H. A. Erhard '09, a new member of the team, did the most creditable work for Harvard, as he won three of the four matches won by his team. G. L. Cutting '09, captain of the team, secured Harvard's other point. L. Barroll '09 replaced B. M. Nussbaum '08 early in the meet, but met with no better success. The Yale team was distinctly superior. Staley of Yale was the best individual performer and both he and Smith of Yale won all six of their bouts. The Technology team was handicapped by inexperience as only a small number of meets were engaged in this season.

As a result of obtaining first and second places in this meet, the Yale and Technology teams will fence in the intercollegiate meet in New York on March 27 and 28. Annapolis and Cornell, by defeating University of Pennsylvania at Annapolis Saturday, will also be represented in the intercollegiate meet.

For next year's University team there will be as a nucleus Cutting, Erhard, and Barroll. These men, together with one or two promising members of this year's Freshman team should make a better team than that of the past season.

The summary:


Score--Yale, 15; Technology, 8; Harvard, 4.

First bout--Lange (T) beat Cutting (H). 'Second bout--Smith (Y) beat Erhard (H). Third bout--Haas (Y) beat Nickerson (T). Fourth bout--Loring (T). beat Nussbaum (H). Fifth bout--Staley (Y) beat Lange (T). Sixth bout--Smith (Y) beat Cutting (H). Seventh bout--Erhard (H) beat Nickerson (T). Eighth bout--Haas (Y) beat Loring (T). Ninth bout--Staley (Y) beat Nussbaum (H). Tenth bout--Smith. (Y) beat Lange (T). Eleventh bout--Nickerson (T) beat Cutting (H). Twelfth bout--Erhard (H) beat Haas (Y). Thirteenth bout--Staley (Y) beat Loring (T). Fourteenth bout--Lange (T) beat Nussbaum (H). Fifteenth bout--Smith (Y) beat Nickerson (T). Sixteenth bout Cutting (H) beat Haas (Y). Seventeenth bout--Loring (T) beat Erhard (H). Eighteenth bout--Staley (Y) beat Nickerson (T). Nineteenth bout--Smith (Y) beat Barroll (H). Twentiath bout --Lange (T) beat Haas (Y). Twenty-first bout--Loring (T) beat Cutting (H). Twenty-second bout--Staley (Y) beat Cutting (H). Twenty-third bout--Nickerson (T) beat Barroll (H). Twenty-fourth bout--Smith (Y) beat Loring (T). Twenty-fifth bout--Erhard (H) beat Lange (T). Twenty-sixth bout--Staley (Y) beat Cutting (H). Twenty-seventh beat--Loree (Y) beat Barroll (H).
