
Sociedad Espanola Play April 28

The Sociedad Espanola will present for their annual theatricals this year two short comedies, "Los Tres Ramillets" and 'E1 Cochero y M. Corneta" on April 28 at Brattle Hall.

Los Tres Ramillets," a modern Spanish comedy by Breton de los Herreros, was the first play given by the Spanish club two years ago. The plot, laid in Madrid, is based on the amusing complications which follow Don Narciso's boast of his popularity with the ladies. To prove this, Narciso arranges with Juana, a flower girl, to bring three bouquets, from Rosa, Violante, and Jacinta, respectively. Ramon, suspecting that all is net right, after the three bouquets have appeared, sends notes by Juana, while Narciso is out of the room, urging three of his friends in the neighborhood to come at once. They appear one by one, pretending to be the injured husbands of the women who have sent the flowers. In the burlesque scene which follows the joke is turned on Narciso, but the amicable relations of the five friends are not upset by the fun, and as the curtain falls they drink to each others' health in a hearty toast.

The cast of characters is as follows: Juana,  A.G. de Almeida Sp. Don Narciso  G. Rivera '09 Don Ramon,  M. H. Woolman '09 E1 Capitan,  G. J. Giles Sp. E1 Boticarlo,  E. Machado '09 Un Quidam,  H. W. Packer 2L. Pascual,  W. Horn '10

The second comedy, "El Cochero y M. Corneta," by Ramon de la Cruz deals with the adventures of Nicodemus, a coachman. While driving his master to a country house he neglects to apply the brakes to the carriage on a steep hill, resulting in the wreck of the carriage and the great discomfort of the occupants. His master discharges the coachman forthwith, without paying him some $462 back wages. He sends Nicodemus to M. Corneta, a debtor of his, however, with a letter recommending him to hire Nicodemus, to pay the coachman his $462 back wages, and to be sure and give him 462 blows for good measure. Corneta accordingly calls Andres and Carlos, and instructs them to present Nicodemus with the blows. They prepare to toss Nicodemus in a blanket and otherwise amuse him when Corneta relents and orders them to let the poor coachman off.

The cast is as follows: Nicodemus, cochero,  E. N. Bray '09 M. Corneta, cireyano,  G. Rivera '09 Tio Paco, cochero,  F. M. Ryan '10 Pepa,  J. M. Wright '09 Lola,  J. O. Patterson '09 Andres,  H. Y. Masten '09 Carlos,  F. E. Moir '09 Un mozo,  C. T. Allen '09 Un lacayo,  G. Lawton '10


Rehearsals are now in progress under the direction of the Misses Larramendi, of Boston, who have coached the plays for the last two years.
