
Gymnastic Exhibition at Dartmouth

The University gymnastic team will give an exhibition this evening at 8 o'clock in the Dartmouth gymnasium at Hanover.

The team will leave Cambridge this morning and will be the guests of the Dartmouth Athletic Association for lunch and dinner. This will be the last gymnastic exhibition before the intercollegiate championship meet, which will occur about the end of the month. Last year Harvard won fourth place in the meet, three of the four men which comprised the University team winning places in the meet. This year, at least four men will be entered: W. C. Bennett '08, G. S. Taylor '08, J. Tyng '08, E. L. Souder '10, and possibly others.

The entries for tonight are as follows:

Horizontal bar--G. S. Taylor '08, J. Tyng '08.

Parallel bars--G. S. Taylor '08, J. Tyng '08, E. G. Schauroth '10.


Side horse--J. Tyng '08, E. L. Souder '10.

Flying rings--G. S. Taylor '08, J. C. Wister '09, E. L. Souder '10.

Club swinging--W. C. Bennett '08, E. G. Curtiss '09.

Single tumbling--W. C. Bennett '08, J. Tyng '08.
