
University Calendar

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

Thursday, March 12.

**MORNING PRAYER. Rev. P. R. Frothingham. Appleton Chapel, 8.45 A. M.

*READINGS FROM ENGLISH MASTERPIECES. III "Shakspere." Mr. Copeland. Emerson D, 3.30 P. M. These readings though intended especially for members of English 12, are open to all members of the University.

*CLASSICAL CONFERENCE. "Double Futures and their Difference in Meaning." Professor Gulick. "Some New Inscriptions." Professor Lanman. "The Greek Original of Dictys Cretensis." Professor Harris. Sever 18, 4.30 P. M.

BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONCERT. Soloist: Mme. Olga Samaroff. Sanders Theatre, 8 P. M. Program: Haydn, Symphony in G major, No. 6; Schumann, Concerto for Pianoforte in A minor; Rimsky-Korsakoff, Caprice on Spanish Themes, op. 34.


*ENGINEERING SOCIETY. "Engineering Problems of the Electric Car." Mr. M. V. Ayres, Electrical Engineer of the Boston and Worcester Street Railway Company. Pierce 110, 8 P. M.
