
Advisory Board for Taft Club

At a meeting of the Taft Club held in the Trophy Room of the Union last night an advisory board consisting of one man from each class in the College, and one man from the Law School was elected as follows: R. H. Oveson 3L., M. L. Newhall '08, S. D. Bush '09, E. C. Bacon '10, and E. Harding '11.

President G. G. Bacon '08 announced arrangements for some prominent men to address the club next week and in addition urged the members to turn out in force for the straw vote, which will take place next week Friday. A latter to Mr. Taft, in which the purpose and aims of the club were expressed, was read and approved.

The club has increased its membership to over 300, and others may join, by signing the constitution and paying 25 cents, at Holworthy 4 between 1.30 and 6 o'clock today. Copies of Mr. Taft's speeches may also be obtained there.
