Governor Hughes of New York, candidate for the Republican nomination for President, spoke from his automobile before Tremont Temple yesterday afternoon to three hundred Harvard men who had formed an enthusiastic escort up Tremjont street from the Hotel Touraine. The governor's speech was strikingly virile and vigorous and was constantly interrupted by enthusiastic cheering. Mr. Hughes said that this escort was an improvement on his last occasion of being serenaded in Albany when the crowd sang "So Long Charley, Don't You Never Come Back Home!" After speaking of his pleasure of being able to address such a crowd, he said that any one who could look into such faces and have any fear for the country's future was a pessimist for who there was absolutely no hope. The college man, he remarked, can see about as far into a stone wall as any man there is, but he must not be in such a hurry to get rich that he forgets his duties as an honest citizen. He recognizes the serious things in life, however, and in his hands lies the future of our Commonwealth; you are almost always sure, also, that he is going to play the game square because he is in it. The great thing about being honest is that even though unsuccessful in securing office, one can not regret the means employed.
The demonstration was under the management of the Hughes Club. Governor Hughes came to Boston yesterday afternoon, and besides the short speech to Harvard men, he addressed the New England Dry Goods Association in Tremont Temple, and the Brown University Alumni Association at the American House in the evening, leaving for Albany about midnight.
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