

Straw Vote for President.--Speakers Secured.--Civic League Convention.

At the meeting of the Political Club held in the Union last evening it was voted to hold a straw ballot for President of the United States next week Friday in the offices of the CRIMSON. The four candidates to be ballotted for will be Bryan, Hughes, Johnson, and Taft. The polls will be under the supervision of a committee of seven, composed of the President of the Political Club, elected members from the Republican, Hughes, and, Taft Clubs, and three from the Democratic Club, one a non-partisan, one a Bryan representative, and one representing the Johnson interests. The polls will probably be open from 9 to 6 and watchers and checkers will be appointed as at a regular election. All members of the University are qualified to vote.

It was also voted to hold weekly meetings of the club. The following speakers have already been secured: Hon. Winston Churchill of New Hampshire, Judge Gaynor of the Supreme Court of New York, Hon. William L. Garrison of Massachusetts, and Hon. William F. Murray '04, member of the Massachusetts State Legislature.

After, some discussion, A. C. Blagden 21., F. Schenck '09, and E. R. Lewis '08 were appointed a committee to draw up a new constitution.

Convention in New York April 1.

It was also voted to send five delegates to the convention of the Intercollegiate Civic League to be held in New York on April 1. These delegates will be appointed this week by the president of the club. The League, formed a few years ago, consists of the civic and political clubs of about thirty of the leading, colleges and universities of the country, and its object is to form a bond between men in the various colleges who are interested in raising the standard of public and political life and further interest other men in the work. Delegates are expected from the Universities of Colorado, North Dakota, Louisiana, and the University of Chicago, beside all the large eastern colleges. The convention will be presided over by 11. M. Gilmore '08, the president of the League, and papers will be read by various delegates, followed by discussion. In the evening a dinner will be held at the University Club, where Ambassador Choate, Mayor McClellan and other distinguished guests will speak. After the dinner arrangements have been made for all who care to, to take the midnight express to Washington, where interviews have been arranged with President Roosevelt, Secretary Strauss, Vice-president Fairbanks, Speaker Cannon and others, and a trip will be taken to the chambers of the Senate and House of Representatives, where guides will explain the proceedings of these bodies.
