
University Calendar

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

Saturday, February 8.

**MORNING PRAYER. Rev. Samuel A. Eliot, D.D. Appleton Chapel, 8.45 A. M.

**LECTURE. "Alcoholism and Insanity." Dr. Charles P. Bancroft. Medical School, Longwood Avenue, Boston, 8 P. M.

Sunday, February 9.

**EVENING SERVICE. Rev. Minot O. Simons, of Cleveland, O. Appleton Chapel, 7.30 P. M.


**LECTURE. "The Ear and the Telephone." Dr. Clarence J. Blake. Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston, 4 P. M.

Monday, February 10.

SECOND HALF-YEAR BEGINS (except in the Medical and Dental Schools). The first term-bill is due on this date.

PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF HARVARD COLLEGE. Meeting at 50 State street. Boston, 10.30 A. M.

*SEMINARY OF ECONOMICS. "Factory Labor in Massachusetts: Legislation and Economic Condition. 1810-1880." Mr. C. E. Pensons. University 23, 4.30 P. M.

**CERCLE FRANCAIS LECTURES. III. "La France ei la Mediterrance." M. Andre Tandian. Sanders Theatre, 4.30 P. M. Admission by ticket until five minutes before the beginning of the lecture: after that time open to the public.

**PHYSICAL COLLOQUIUM. "Jean Boequorel: The Effect of Temperature on the Absouption Bands in Crystalline Substances." Dr. Lyman. Jeffenson Physical Laboratory. Room 25, 5 P. M.

MODERN LANGUAGE CONFERENCE. (Joint Meeting with Classical Club.) "Reason and Caprice in Belles Lettres." Professor Santayana. Common Room, Conant Hall, 8 P. M.

Tuesday, February 11.

*GEOLOGICAL CONFERENCE. "Kassner's Meteorological Globes." (Exhibition.) Professor Ward. "The Post-glacial Shore-lines of Northwestern Vermont." Mr. H. E. Menwin. Mineralogical Lecture Room, 8 P. M.

Wednesday, February 12.

*SEMINARY IN EDUCATIONAL PROBLEMS. "Vocational Training in the High School of Commerce." Mr. James E. Downey. Lawrence 7, 3.30 P. M.

*LECTURE. "The Medical Service of Armies as Illustrated by the Russo-Japanese War." I. (Illustrated by the Stereopticon.) Major Charles Lynch, Medical Department. General Staff, U. S. Army. Medical School, Amphitheater B. 4 P. M.

**CERCLE FRANCAIS LECTURES. IV. "Le Conflit des Alliances." M. Andre Tardieu. Sanders Theatre, 4.30 P. M. Admission by ticket until five minutes before the beginning of the lecture; after that time open to the public.

**DUDLEIAN LECTURE. "What is Revelation?" Rev. George A. Gordon. D.D. Emerson D, 8 P. M.

Thursday, February 13.

*LECTURE. "The Medical Service of Armies as Illustrated by the Russo-Japanese War." II. (Illustrated by the Stereopticon.) Major Charles Lynch. Medical Department, General Staff, U. S. Army. Medical School, Amphitheater B. 4 P. M.

**CLASSICAL CONFERENCE. "Arrentine Pottory." Professor Chase. "Aristophanes's Ideal Dramatic Poet." Mr. W. P. Dickey. "The Recognition Scene in the Electra of Euripides." Mr. R. V. Cram. Sever 18. 4.30 P. M.

**VESPER SERVICE. Rev. Samuel McC. Crothers, D.D. Appleton Chapel. 5 P. M. The front seats are reserved for students and for officers of the University and their families till 4.55 P. M.

**LECTURE. "The Naturalization of Christianity in the Far East." I; Professor E. C. Moore. New Lecture Hall, 8 P. M.

Friday, February 14.

*UNIVERSITY TEA. Phillips Brooks House, 4 to 6 P. M. All members of the University are cordially invited.

**CERCLE FRANCAIS LECTURES. V. "L'Epreuve d'Algesiras." M. Andre Tardien. Sanders Theatre, 4.30 P. M. before the beginning of the lecture; after that time open to the public.

*ZOOLOGICAL CLUB. "Reactions of Animals to Monochromatic Light." Mr. E. D. Congdon. "Review of Morgan's Experimental Zoology.'" Mr. W. B. Herms. Zoological Laboratory, Room 4, Fourth Floor, 4.45 P. M.

Saturday, February 15.

**LECTURE. "The Interest of the Public in Surgical Progress." Dr. James G. Mumford. Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston, 8 P. M.
