

Harvard and Dartmouth in Stadium at 3.-Freshmen vs. Yale 1911.

The University hockey team will play its third intercollegiate game against Dartmouth in the Stadium, this afternoon at 3 o'clock. As this game comes just a week before the final game with Yale, its result will be of great importance to the team.

Dartmouth began the season well by defeating Princeton 3 to 2, but soon afterwards suffered defeat at the hands of Yale by the score of 9 to 3, and again, during the same period of slump, was beaten by Columbia by the score of 4 to 2. Lately, however, Dartmouth has taken a brace, and may be expected to present a strong team this afternoon.

The University team had a long scrimmage with the second team yesterday in which the first team won by the score of 2 to 1. The playing was hard and fast and the defense was excellent, but the same lack of team play which has characterized the work of the past week was evident. Towards the end of the period, however, the team braced up and carried the puck to the second's goal several times in quick succession, but Carpenter's good work prevented a score.

Admission to this afternoon's game will be by season-ticket, and by 50-cent admission tickets. Reserved seats at 25 cents extra, may be obtained at Leavitt & Peirce's the H. A. A. office, and at the gate.

The line-up: HARVARD.  DARTMOUTH. Pell, l.e.  r.e., Doe Hicks, l.e.  r.e., Foote Rumsey, r.e.  l.c., Perry Newhall, r.e.  l.e., Marston Ford, c.p.  c.p., Leighton Willetts, p.  p., Pettingill Washburn, g.  g., Erhard


Standing of Teams in League.

The standing of the teams in the Intercollegiate Hockey League is as follows:   Won.  Lost.  P.C. Harvard,  2  0  1.000 Yale,  2  0  1.000 Dartmouth,  1  2  .333 Princeton,  1  2  .333 Columbia,  1  2  .333

Freshmen Play Yale 1911.

The Freshman hockey team will play the final game of its schedule against the Yale freshman team, while the University game is in progress.

Although the Freshmen have won four of the six scheduled games played, their lack of well-organized attack makes the development of the team somewhat disappointing. Lack of ice for practice party accounts for the deficiency. The Freshmen have defeated Andover, Pomfret, Anlington High, and Milton Academy, but have lost to St. Mark's and St. Paul's. With the exception of the Andover and Arlington High games, the absence of team work has been conspicuous. The Yale team also lacks consistent team-work, but has had a fairly successful season.

The Freshmen will line-up as follows: l.e., Leslie, Chase: l.e., Cutler, Hunt; r.e., Dick; r.e., Hornblower, Seamans: e.p., Foster; p., Paul, Johnson; g., Beals.
