

More Track Candidates Wanted.

[We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest.]

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

We should like to take advantage of the interest at present aroused in track work to urge the College as a whole to co-operate with us in our efforts to get new men out and arouse interest in the coming decisive Dual Meet. Work will begin again for the whole squad on February 10, in preparation for the Indoor Carnival to be held in the Gymnasium on March 7. In this meet there will be dormitory teams made up of inexperienced men, and novice competitions in nearly all events. There is a chance for any man, no matter whether he has ever run before or not, to come out and have a good time, and perhaps, with good coaching, develop the latent qualities of a point-winner. L. P. DODGE '08   G. EMERSON '08.
