
University Basketball Drowsy

In two 25-minute halves yesterday afternoon the University basketball team defeated the second team 24 to 22. The play was slow and without life and the shooting was, for the most part, very weak. The second team frequently got the jump on the first by more active floor work and accurate passing. Neither team was sure in handling the ball and the passes were not swift enough, with the result that many were intercepted. S. Brown played a lively defensive game, allowing his man to score only one goal; Brooks too was strong on the offense in the first half. For the second team Carlisle and Furber did the best work. Carlisle made the prettiest goal of the game on a long shot from the middle of the floor.

E. S. Allen '09, who has a slight attack of water on the knee as the result of a fall received in the Yale game is recovering rapidly but will not be able to play for about two weeks.

Yesterday's line-up: UNIVERSITY TEAM.  SECOND TEAM. Currie, l.f.  r.f., Ritch, Furber, McKay Scribner, r.f.  l.f., Furber, Stalker G. Browne, c.  c., Wyman, Fish S. Brown, l.g.  r.g., Almy, Hartwell Brooks, Almy, r.g.  l.g., Jerdan, Carlisle

Score-University team, 24: Second team, 22. Goals from floor-Brooks 5, Scribner 4, Wyman 3, Currie 2, Carlisle 2, Stalker 2, Fish 2, McKay, Rieth. G. Browne. Fouls called-on University team 1; on Second team 1. Referee-H. V. Amberg 11.
