In accordance with an arrangement perfected two years ago between the University and the New England Conservatory of Music, the latter wishes to announce that a course in Plainsong. Accompaniment will be formed for the second half-year, beginning on Thursday, under the instruction of Mr. Wallace Goodrich. All Harvard students in the Department of Music, and others by special arrangement, who wish to take this course, should consult of once with Mr. W. C. Heilman, 1 Arsenal square, Cambridge.
The standing arrangement provides for the admission to the Conservatory of properly qualified students from the Department of Music here. Such men will be admitted, not only into the Conservatory orchestra and chorus, but also into its courses in 'ensemble' playing, choir training, and liturgical music. Those courses include historical and theoretical work as well as practical application. For regular attendance at any of the Conservatory courses, the University will allow credit toward the degrees of Bachelor and Master of Arts.
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