

Interclass Water Sports Held Last Night.--Fast Time In All Events.

In the interclass swimming meet held last night in the Dunster tank, the Freshmen won the class relay championship, and obtained places in all the other races.

In the relay, each man swam four lengths of the tank, a distance of 50 yards, and the Freshmen won easily with the fast time of 2 minutes, 6 1-5 seconds, lowering last year's record by 2-5 of a second.

The 100-yard swim was raced in two heats, and the fastes time was taken. The second heat, between P. Withington '09 and E. C. Cutler '11, was the most exciting race of the evening, Withington finally winning in the remarkable time of 59 seconds with Cutler a close second.

After the races, a water-polo game was played between two scrub teams, the small size of the squad making it impossible to hold an interclass contest.

The summary is as follows:


Relay race--Won by 1911 (E. C. Cutler, F. King, L. Withington, W. M. Cooper). Time--2m. 6 1-5s.

220-yard swim--Won by E. C. Cutler '11; second, A. E. Mannheimer '09. Time--2m. 58s.

100-yard swim--Won by P. Withington '09; Second, E. C. Cutler '11. Time--59s.

50-yard swim--Won by P. Withington '09; second, W. M. Cooper '11. Time--28 2-5s.

Diving--Won by D. B. Hill '08; second, R. F. Hoyt '10.

Water-polo--Tie game. TEAM A.  TEAM B. F. P. Allen, r.f.  l.f., H. Watson W. M. Cooper, l.f.  r.f., P. Withington L. Withington, c.  c., B. A. Merriam J. S. Reed, h.b.  h.b., A. Lewis F. W. Davis, r.g.  l.g., J. A. Curtis F. I. Baker, l.g.  r.g., R. F. Hoyt

Score--Team A. 1; Team B, a. Goals--Merriam 1, Allen 1. Time one 4-minute period.
