

Reorganization of Charges to be Voted on at Dinner Hour Tonight.

The recent agitation over the situation of the Harvard Dining Association has resulted in the drafting of the following plan of operation for Memorial Hall. During the dinner hour tonight a vote will be taken to determine whether or not the plan shall be put on trial during the month of March. The new arrangement is as follows:

I. Articles charged to general board to be increased to include fish, eggs, and desserts; the price to be guaranteed by the Corporation at $4.00 per week.

II. Members of the Association to be divided into two classes: regular weekly members, and transient members.

Regular weekly members to pay: first, $4.00 per week for general board, including everything but meats and extras, these to be paid for by coupons as at present; second, regular weekly members will be allowed for regular Sunday absence at the rate of 30 cents per week for absence from three or four meals, and 50 cents for absence from five or more.

All members of the University to be eligible to transient membership, to become such members by registering at the Auditor's Office: payment for meals taken to be made in coupons at the entrance to a specially reserved section of the Hall at the following rates: breakfast 20 cents, luncheon 30 cents, dinner 35 cents. Meats and extras may be ordered as by regular members.


III. Guests may be entertained as at present on payment of transient rates, but the small guest room will be reserved for members of the Faculty and student members accompanied by ladies.

Regular members taking guests into the reserved section may pay for guests as for themselves, but must obtain slips at the office for themselves and guests if using the guest room.

IV. Tables will be reserved for regular members as at present. Transient members may form groups to which one or more tables will be assigned, according to the size of the group.
