
Date Set for Crew Race With Yale

The following provisional arrangement has been made for the annual boat races with Yale on the Thames, subject to the approval of the respective managements: the races will be rowed on Thursday, June 25. The University four-oar race will be started at 10 A. M. at the Navy Yard and rowed down stream to the Railroad Bridge. The Freshman eight-oar race will be started as soon as practicable after the finish of the four-oar, and rowed down stream, from the Navy Yard to the Railroad Bridge. The University race will be started at 5.30 o'clock, and will be rowed up stream to the beginning of the four-mile course. If it is necessary to postpone the University race from 5.30 o'clock, it will be rowed up stream any time before 7 o'clock that evening, or at 10 o'clock the next morning, from the beginning of the four-mile course to the Railroad Bridge; and the Freshman and four-oared races, if postponed, will be held down stream immediately after the University race, from the Navy Yard to the Railroad Bridge.
