

Short Row Up-Stream.--Month Earlier Than Last Year.

In spite of the cold weather, and large pieces of floating ice, three crews from the University squad were launched on the river Friday for the first time this year. This is nearly a month earlier than was possible last year, as then the crews did not appear on the river until March 11. Two years ago, however, rowing began on the Charles as early as February 19. As the floats at the Newell boathouse have not yet been put in place, the shells had to be lowered from the dock, and on the return, carried up from the shore. All three crews headed up-stream. The first and second went considerably more than half way to the Brighton bridge, but the third continued only a little beyond the Stillman Infirmary. Coach Wray supervised the work from his single. No Freshman crews went out on the river Friday.

The crews rowed in the following order:

Crew A--Stroke, Sargent; 7. Richardson; 6, E. Bacon; 5, Severance; 4, Lunt; 3, Morgan; 2, Fish; bow, Faulkner; cox., Blagden.

Crew B--Stroke, G. Bacon; 7, Waid; 6, Hyde; 5, Tilton; 4, Hanfstaengl; 3, Marvin; 2, Fahnestock; bow, Ellis; cox., King.

Crew C--Stroke, J. W. Cutler; 7, Hadden; 6, Beaman; 5, Deming; 4, Hill; 3, Ball; 2, Maxwell; bow, Forster; cox., Adams.
