The University basketball team will play the twelfth and last home game on its schedule with Dartmouth at 2.30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in the Hemenway Gymnasium. This is the last game to be played in Cambridge, and should be very close as the Dartmouth team as usual is very strong. Last year the University team won by one point in an exciting extra period contest.
The Dartmouth team, which is on its last trip of the season, played Tufts last night and will play Massachusetts Institute of Technology tonight.
Game with Princeton.
The second game with Princeton will be played at Princeton on Monday. Harvard won the first game, defeating Princeton by the score of 16-13.
The following men will be taken on the trip: P. Brooks '09, G. G. Browne '10, E. S. Currie '09, E. S. Allen '09, S. H. Brown '10, W. F. Scribner '10, O. A. Wyman '08, Coach H. V. Amberg 1L., Trainer G. W. Grebenstein, and P. B. Francis '08, manager.
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