

Lecture on "The Next Man in Municipal Politics."--For Members Only.

Dr. William H. Allen, Secretary of the Bureau of Municipal Research of New York, will speak in the Living Room of the Union, this evening at 8 o'clock. Dr. Allen's subject will be "The Next Man in Municipal Politics." Professor W. B. Munro '99 will preside.

Dr. Allen's career as a social worker has been of varied scope and widespread importance. Graduated from the University of Chicago in 1897, he received the degree of Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania in 1900. His public career began as general agent of the New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor, and from then on he has been prominent in philanthropic circles.

The Bureau of Municipal Research, of which Dr. Allen is Secretary, was incorporated on May 3, 1907. Its purpose is to collect, analyze, and publish facts as to the administration of municipal government. Among the recent publications of the Bureau are: "Some Phases of the Work of the Department of Street Cleaning," "How Manhattan is Governed," "Making a Municipal Budget," "A Department of Municipal Audit."

The address will be open only to members of the Union and membership tickets must be shown at the door.
