During the season of the year when a great many sports are at a low ebb, and the weather hardly permits of any out-door amusement, an unusually large number of men resort to the Gymnasium for exercise-to a Gymnasium not only absolutely inadequate, both in arrangement and equipment, but in its pro sent condition unsanitary to the last degree. Until we are presented with a new building, or are able to build an addition to the present one, the overcrowding can be borne only with patience; but for the unhygienic conditions there is absolutely no excuse.
The lockers are crowded into unventilated galleries, where the windows are unopened and unopenable. Where athletic clothes are piled after each day's exercise, there is no attempt at fumigation, or even thorough cleaning, and the dust of months is allowed to accumulate. In the Gymnasium proper, in the looker rooms, in the baths, the air is foul. Small wonder that we learn of cases of eczema among the men who use the lockers.
Nor are the students altogether faultless in this matter. Many men have adopted the revolting habit of spitting in the corners or on the walls, where as we have said, the mop seems never to be applied.
The responsibility for these conditions, we are told, lies with the Gymnasium authorities, who are directly responsible to the corporation, and not with the inspector of Grounds and Buildings, as might be supposed. That the resident Executive Board has not taken the matter up has been through lack of any specific charges. Certainly such an excuse can no longer hold good. If use of the Gymnasium is to be more beneficial than dangerous, if the basketball team is to be given a fair chance, not only must the building be given a through renovation, but strict sanitary regulations must be enforced.
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Joint Gymnastic Exhibition With Hyde Park Y. M. C. A.