
Union Library Additions

The following books have been added to the Union Library during the last two months:

"Greece and the Aegean Islands," by P. S. Marden.

"Under the Southern Cross," by E. Robins '64.

"The Savage Club," by Aaron Watson.

"The Greek Painter's Art," by Irene Weir.


"The Trimmed Lamp," by O. Henry.

"Captain Mansana and Mother's Hands," by Bjornstjone Bjoruson.

"Almanach Hachette," 1908.

"The White Darkness," by Lawrence Mott '07.

"America as a World Power," by J. H. Latane.

"National Ideals Historically Traced," by A. B. Hart '80.

"The Road," by Jack London.

"John Greenleaf Whittler," by Bliss Perry.

"Confessions," by St. Augustine.

"Law, its Origin, Growth, and Function," by J. C. Carter '50.
