
Profs. Richards and Hart to Lecture

Professor T. W. Richards '86 will deliver the first of a course of eight Lowell Institute lectures on the "Early History and Recent Development of the Atomic Theory" in Huntington Hall, Boston, next Monday evening at 8 o'clock. The first lecture will be on "Dalton's Atomic Theory and its Relation to that of the Ancient Philosophers"; the other lectures wil be given as follows: Thursday, February 20, "Avogradro's Molecular Theory and its Relation to Dalton's Atomic Theory"; Monday, February 24, "Atomic Weights and Faraday's Law"; Thursday, February 27, "Molecular Structure"; Monday March 2, "The Periodic System of the Elements and the Kinetic Theory of Gases"; Thursday, March 5, "Atomic Volumes, and the Significance of their Changes"; Monday, March 9, "Atomic Compressibilities and the Heat of Chemical Reaction"; Thursday, March 12, "The Possible Decomposition of the Chemical 'Atom'."

On Tuesday and Friday evenings at 8 o'clock, beginning February 18, Professor A. B. Hart '80 will give a series of lectures on "The Real South." The subjects are as follows: Tuesday, February 18, "The Southland"; Friday, February 21, "The Caucasian Problem"; Tuesday, February 25, "The African Problem"; Friday, February 28, "Race Relations"; Tuesday, March 3, "Wealth and its Distribution"; Friday, March 6, "The Cotton Commonwealth"; Tuesday. March 10, "Education"; Friday, March 13, "Is there a Solution?"
