
Scrub Series for Hockey Teams

A series for scrub hockey teams will commence Wednesday. Cups will be awarded by the University hockey management to the seven members of the winning team, if at least five teams compete in the series. Only those who have won their "H. H. T." or are at the second team training table are ineligible.

Requirements for eligibility are as follows: (1) Name of the team with null list of members must be entered in the bluebook at Leavitt & Peirce's before 5 o'clock Tuesday; (2) duplicate lists must be sent to the manager of the University team at the Athletic Office after every game; (3) every team must have a manager who shall report at Apthorp 8 at 9.30 Tuesday night.

The Freshman rink will be open for teams to practice until Wednesday, and the University rink on Tuesday. The schedule of games will be published Wednesday morning.
