

University Squad and Freshman Candidates Report at Boat-house.

The University and Freshman crew squads will begin work this afternoon at the University boat-houses. The squads will row on the machines until the weather permits practice on the river. Coach Wray will have charge of the work as in previous years. The University crew squad will report at 4 o'clock, and the Freshman candidates at 4.30.

Of last year's crew the following men are in College and will report today: Captain J. Richardson, Jr., '08, F. M. Blagden '09, R. M. Faulkner '09, S. W. Fish '08, L. K. Lunt '09, and W. R. Severance '09. From last year's four oar R. V. Arnold '08 and G. G. Bacon '08 will report for practice.

With eight men from last year's University squad and a winning Freshman crew to pick material from, the prospects for the coming season appear bright. In addition to this material a large list of men prominent in the class and graded crews will be out.

The University crew squad, which must report today, will consist of the following men: R. V. Adams '08, E. L. Bacon '10, G. G. Bacon '08, G. G. Ball '08, H. C. Beaman '10, F. M. Blagden '09, A. G. Cable '09, R. G. Crandall '09, E. C. Cutler '09, J. W. Cutler '09, G. S. Doming '10. C. L. Despard '08, R. Ellis '09, S. W. Fahnestock '08, R. M. Faulkner '09, S. W. Fish '08, E. F. Hanfstaengl '09, L. Hill '10, H. W. Hyde '08, F. King '10, R. S. Lovering '08, L. K. Lunt '09, C. Macleod '10 G. Martin '10, S. W. Marvin '10, F. R. Maxwell '10 C. Morgan, Jr., '08, F. M. Rackemann '09, F. A. Reece '09, S. A. Sargent, Jr., '10, W. R. Severance '09, C. Tilton '08, S. Vaughan '09, J. E. Waide '10, E. T. Wentworth '09 and P. Wyman '10.
