
Last Day to Apply for 1909 Boxes

All men who wish to be together in boxes at the 1909 Union Dance must hand in their names before tonight in groups of from 8 to 10 to W. G. Wendell, Harvard Union; otherwise they will be allotted to boxes at the discretion of the committee.

The following men have been appointed ushers at the dance: F. M. Blagden, P. Brooks, K. S. Cate, E. P. Currier, F. Cutting, R. H. Eggleston, H. Gray, J. M. Groton, S. Hoar, L. K. Lunt, O. Lyding, E. P. Perry, W. G. Roelker, E. T. Wentworth. 1909 UNION DANCE COMMITTEE.
