

To Act On Election Plans.--Several Changes in Provisional Rules.

There will be a very important meeting of the Senior class in Upper Massachusetts this evening at 7 o'clock. The rules to govern the Class Day elections have been revised by the Committee on Class Day elections and will be passed on by the class tonight. The nominations as drawn up by the Committee will be announced at the meeting.

The schedule of elections as drawn up by the Committee is as follows:

Tuesday, December 8.--List of voters posted.

Wednesday, December 9.--Time for petitions for additions to voters' list closes at 7 P. M.

Thursday, December 10.--Time for additional nominations for Class officers closes at 7. P. M.


Friday, December 11.--Voting for Class officers in CRIMSON office.

Tuesday, December 15.--Time for additional nominations for Class Day Committees and Secretary closes at 7 P. M.

Wednesday, December 16.--Voting for Class Day Committees and Secretary.

Changes in Election Regulations.

The changes which have been made in the rules are the following: the election of Secretary will be postponed from Friday, December 11, to Wednesday, December 16, in order that defeated candidates for the offices of Marshals and Treasurer may be eligible for that office; the polls will remain open until 6 o'clock in the afternoon, instead of 5 o'clock; a slight alteration, for the sake of clearness, has been made in Section 5 (a) in regard to voters.

Election Rules as Amended.

The rules as corrected are as follows:

1. There shall be no election of a President or a Vice-President, but the First Marshal shall act as the Class President and the Second Marshal as the Vice-President until Class Day, and the permanent Secretary as Class Secretary.

2. The Australian ballot system shall be used.

3. The officers, namely: Marshals, Treasurer, Orator, Ivy Orator, Poet, Odist, and Chorister, shall be elected on Friday, December 11, and the Committees and Secretary on Wednesday, December 16.

4. The polls shall be open from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. each election day at the CRIMSON office.

5. Voters. (a) All men who are candidates for the degrees of A.B., or S.B. in 1909; all men who have received or will receive their degrees as of the class of 1909; and all men who are fourth-year special students shall be eligible to vote. But no man who has voted in any previous Class Day election shall be eligible to vote. In addition, men now in the University not included under any of these classifications, who entered with the class of 1909, and who are not officially registered with the class of 1909, may, on petition, vote.

(b) A provisional list of voters compiled by the Nominating Committee will be posted at the Union, Leavitt & Peirce's Memorial Hall, Randall Hall, Gore Hall, Sever Hall, and the CRIMSON office, on Tuesday, December 8.

(c) Any man whose name is not on the list of voters compiled by the Nominating Committee may petition the Committee, and such petitions shall be passed on finally by the Committee. Petitions must be placed in a box provided for the purpose in the CRIMSON office, before 7 P. M. Wednesday, December 9.

6. (a) Additional nominations must be made by petitions to the Nominating Committee signed by fifty eligible voters. Additional nominations of officers will be received until 7 P. M., Thursday, December 10; and for Committees and Secretary, until 7 P. M., Tuesday, December 15. All petitions must be placed in the box provided for the purpose in the CRIMSON office.

(b) The provisional list of nominations will be published in the CRIMSON of Tuesday, December 8. The final list of nominations for officers will be published in the CRIMSON of Friday, December 11. The final list of nominations for Committees and Secretary will be published in the CRIMSON of Wednesday, December 16.

(c) No person may run for more than one office or Committee. Any candidate failing of election to an office is eligible for nomination to a Committee, such nominations to be made by the Nominating Committee or on petition of fifty eligible voters. Such petitions must be placed in a box provided for that purpose in the CRIMSON office, before 7 P. M., Tuesday, December 15.

7. (a) Every elector shall vote for three candidates for Marshals, indicating his preference for First Marshal. Of the three elected, that candidate receiving the highest number of votes for First Marshal shall be declared First Marshal; of the other two elected, that one whose total vote is highest shall be Second Marshal, and the other one the Third Marshal.

(b) Every elector shall vote for two candidates for the Class Committee, three for the Photograph Committee and seven for the Class Day Committee. The two candidates receiving the highest number of votes for the Class Committee, and the three candidates receiving the highest number or votes for the Photograph Committee, and the seven candidates receiving the highest number of votes for the Class Day Committee shall be declared elected. Each Committee shall elect its own chairman.

(c) If any office or position becomes vacant for any reason, the vacancy shall be filled by that candidate who shall have received the next highest number of votes for that office or Committee.

8. Every ballot not containing the required number of names for Marshals or the respective Committees shall be invalid for the Marshals or that Committee.

9. (a) The Treasurer shall be a regular member of the Class Committee. The three Marshals and the Secretary shall be ex-officiis members of the Class Committee.

(b) At meetings of the class after Class Day the First Marshal shall preside, and in his absence the Second Marshal, and in his absence of the Second Marshal, the Third Marshal

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