

In Jordan Hall.--Casts of Characters and Abstracts of the Plots.

The Cercle Francais will present two plays at its annual performance at Jordan Hall, Boston, next Friday afternoon and evening. The first is "L'Affaire de la Rue de Lourcine," a farce by Labiche and Martin, and the other is "La Famille Poisson," a comedy in verse by Samson. Tickets for the plays may be procured at Herrick's and Schoenhof's in Boston, at Thurston's in Cambridge, or at Russell 2, until the day of the performance. The price of tickets is $1.50. CASTS OF THE PLAYS. L'Affaire de la Rue de Lourcine. Lenglume,  J. Heard, Jr., '12 Mistingue,  L. Hill '10 Norine,  G.E. Jones '11 Potard,  J. Simpkins '12 Justin,  F. Ziegler '09 La Famille Poisson. Raymond,  P. S. Abreu '11 Paul, son fils,  H. B. H. Ripley '12 Arnould, son petit fils,  J. Rouille 1G. Beausejour,  G. K. Munroe '10 Marianne,  E. D. Pierce '12


L'Affaire de la Rue do Lourcine.

A middle-aged bourgeois of Paris wakes one morning with a burning thirst and a mind absolutely blank as to the events of the night before. He discovers to his horror that he has brought home, besides various articles of female apparel, an old schoolmate as a bed-fellow, who is suffering from the effects of the same hilarity. The wife of the bourgeois enters, newspaper in hand, and reads about the gruesome murder of a coal-heaver's daughter which has been committed in the rue de Lourcine. The two listeners find coal upon their hands, and all the evidence points to their having committed the crime during hours of which they remember nothing. Panic-stricken, they proceed to drown their fear in curacoa, which proves very effective. They attempt to murder all the inmates of the house and thus destroy all evidence. Happily they are too intoxicated to carry out their purpose, and they finally discover with infinite joy that the newspaper referring to the crime is over twenty years old. The readers soothe their excited nerves by falling asleep.

La Famille Poisson.


"La Famille Poisson" takes place in the time of Louis Fourteenth, and deals with a family of actors, father, son and grandson. The grandfather, who is a very old man, has renounced the stage and become infatuated over the subject of religion. He refuses to allow his grandson to go upon the stage and tries to turn him into a soldier. But the young man, who has wonderful dramatic genius, escapes from the army, deceives his family, deludes his grandfather, and by a clever trick takes his father's place on the stage of the Theatre Francais. After an outburst of fury, he is forgiven and awarded the hand of his cousin.

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