

B. A. G. Fuller and Captain Severance Spoke.--Proctors Eligible.

The formal presentation of the Filley Cups for fall rowing was made last night, at 68 Mount Auburn street. B. A. G. Fuller '00, the donor of the cups in making the presentation, emphasized the fact that they were given primarily to perpetuate the memory of O. D. Filley '06. It was largely due to him that the rowing system was reorganized and put on a solid basis. He also instituted the custom of interdormitory and gradedcrew rowing which indirectly helps to develop material for the University crew. Another object in instituting the cups was to interest in secondary rowing men not qualified to make the University or class crews. Mr. Fuller made it clear that every one was eligible to row in the dormitory races, and that there were no technicalities preventing men from participating. He also urged dormitory captains to get their crews together in the spring in order to be in shape for the fall races. As an example of this practice he cited the College House crew of 1906, which rowed regularly during the spring.

Captain Severance then spoke in explanation of the rule about the rowing of proctors. As one of the objects of presenting the cups was to have every one row, it has been decided that all proctors, who have not been members of the University crew, are eligible. He also emphasized the benefit derived from interdormitory rowing and urged all men to come out next fall.

In behalf of the Mt. Auburn Street crew, R. G. Henderson '10, captain, received the cups and thanked Mr. Fuller. One of them is a perpetual challenge cup, to be competed for each year, and the other was won outright by Mt. Auburn Street last fall.
