The Governing Board of the Union has instituted a series of lectures or conferences, with the general title of "Lectures on the Professions," with the idea that in each academic year there shall be given six or more lectures setting forth to undergraduates the nature of the principal professions.
The lectures announced for this year will be given in the Living Room of the Union on the dates announced below, with the exception of President Eliot's lecture which will be given in Sanders Theatre. The first five lectures will be open only to members of the Union. President Eliot's lecture will be open exclusively to the students and officers of the University.
Medicine--Friday, January 22. H. A. Christian, A.M., '03, M.D., Hersey professor of the theory and practice of physic, and dean of the Harvard of physic, and dean of the Harvard Medical School.
Business--Thursday, February 25. R. C. Ogden, A.M., LL.D., trustee of Tuskegee Institute and of the General Educational Board, lately of the firm of John Wanamaker.
The Ministry--Thursday, March 4. G. A. Gordon '81, D.D., '95, member of the Board of Overseers, pastor of the Old South Church, Boston.
Engineering--Thursday, March 11. G. F. Swain, S.B., professor of civil engineering in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, member of the Boston Transit Commission, engineer of the Massachusetts Railroad Commission.
Law--Tuesday, March 30. Charles J. Bonaparte '71, LL.D., attorney-general of the United States, member of the executive committee of the National Civic Federation.
Education--Tuesday, April 13. President Eliot.
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