
Dramatic Club in Jordan Hall at 8

The second public performance of the Dramatic Club's play, "The Promised Land," will be given at Jordan Hall, Boston, this evening at 8 o'clock. Tickets at $1.50, $1.00 and 50 cents are obtainable at Herrick's, at M. L. Shuman's, 7 Lowell street, at H. Cabitt's, 100 Salem street, and 109 Green street, at Thurston's, and at the Co-operative, or upon application to D. Carb, Stoughton 2. Several rows of seats have been reserved especially for undergraduates, tickets for which can be obtained at 50 cents each, from D. Carb, Stoughton 2, or at Jordan Hall.

The last performance of "The Promised Land" will be given at Jordan Hall on Saturday evening.
