
Hyde French Lectures by M. Lefrane

The Hyde lectures will be given this year in April by M. Abel M. Lefrane, who lectured last year. Instead of a series of eight public lectures as last year, there will be only four public lectures and eight lectures given in connection with French 6. The public lectures will be on Moliere and will be held in New Lecture Hall at 4.30 o'clock probably on April 2, 5, 9, and 12. Reserved seats may be obtained by enclosing a stamped, addressed envelope to G. K. Munroe, 68 Mt. Auburn street, Cambridge, before February 1. M. Lefrane is professor of langue et litterature francais modernes in the College de France and directeur adjoint at the Ecole pratique des Hautes Etudes.

The Hyde lectures were established in 1898 by a fund given for the purpose by J. H. Hyde '98, under whose direction the lecturer is selected by the Cercle Francais.
