

There are in the neighborhood of six hundred and fifty men in the present Senior Class. From this number the class will choose today nine of the Class Day officers, some of whom will hold permanent positions of leadership and advice in the class, while to the other men elected will be entrusted part of the exercises on Class Day this coming spring. From among these six hundred and more men the class is now ready to choose the men who are deserving and competent to shoulder the responsibilities of the class in the years after graduation; to choose men on their merits as shown during these past three years, men who have been tried and not found wanting, men whose ambitions and hopes have been towards the best things in the life of the class. There are men in the class who are worthy of the honor of such an election for what they have done in behalf of their fellows or their College; there are other men who by the sheer force of personality have come into vital touch with the best interests of the class, and are worthy of reward.

Nor should the fact be overlooked that there is more to be considered than the mere honor of an election. There is much painstaking work to be done in connection with most of the offices, work which requires different kinds and degrees of ability. These positions of importance must be competently filled as well as honorably and it is of great importance to the class that they be so filled.
