At a meeting of the University football team yesterday afternoon, Hamilton Fish, Jr., '10, of Garrison-on-the-Hudson, N. Y., was elected captain for 1909.
Fish prepared for College at St. Mark's School, where he played two years on the football team. He played right tackle on his Freshman team, and for the last two seasons has played in that position on the University eleven. This year he was the best individual player on the team, both in the line and in open play; and as acting captain in Burr's absence from the game this fall, he proved himself an able leader. He is 20 years old, 6 feet 3 inches tall, and weighs 198 pounds.
Harvard's Prospects for Next Year Good.
The football prospects for the coming year are far brighter than they were last year at this time, for although several of the best players of the 1908 eleven will be lost by graduation, the greater part of the "H" men will be in College next fall. There will be eligible several good men, who could not play this season on account of academic standing, as well as some good material from the championship Freshman eleven. In fact the only positions which are really left unfilled are at centre, quarterback and fullback.
Fish and MacKay, who are generally conceded to be two of the best linemen Harvard has had in several years, will be back in the tackle positions; and Browne and Crowley, this year's efficient ends, will be again available. Brown, Harding and Houston are the other candidates for end. To fill the guard positions are Dunlap and West, who played against Yale, as well as good substitute and Freshman material to draw on. Smith, who played at right halfback this year, is a promising candidate for centre. He played a brilliant game in that position on his Freshman team, and is much better suited to it than to the backfield. Hadden, this year's substitute centre, is a good man, and plays an aggressive game.
Minot looks like first choice for fullback at present. This year he was not in good standing, but he played a strong defensive game on the second eleven, and his line-plunging has been one of the features of the practice scrimmages this fall. Corbett and Leslie will probably be the halfbacks. Both are speedy, run well through a broken field, and are consistent ground-gainers. There is also some promising material from the 1912 team in Pierce, Frothingham and Winston. The hardest task that confronts the coaches will be the development of a quarterback. The same problem, however, came up this fall, and Coaches Haughton and Daly developed from green material a quarterback whose work was of superior quality. Sprague, Crocker and Davis are likely candidates for the position, and from the 1912 team there will be Potter and Wigglesworth.
Abundant Material for Team at Yale.
The Yale team will lose by graduation only four men who played in the championship games. These are Captain Burch, Biddle, Brides, and Wheaton. There is abundant material from this year's squad for every position, and the 1912 team has several valuable men. The team will in all probability have nearly the same line-up as this year's eleven. The "Y" men who remain are E. H. Coy '10, W. A. Goebel '10, H. F. Andrus '10S., H. H. Hobbs '10, W. S. Logan '10, A. L. Corey '11, S. H. Philbin '10, T. Lilley '10S., A. Haines '10 L.S., J. F. Johnson, Jr., '10, F. J. Murphy '10, J. W. Field '11, H. P. Bingham '10, F. J. Daly '11, and C. T. Cooney '10
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