

With Technology Over Four-Mile Course at 3.--Each Has Won Twice.

The University cross-country team will race the Massachusetts Institute of Technology this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The race will be held over the Technology course, starting opposite the Highland Club in West Roxbury, and finishing at Technology Field in Brookline Village where the last quarter of a mile will be run on the track. The distance to be covered is slightly more than four miles, and the course is a difficult one. The record for the course is held by H. H. Howland of Technology, who won the race in 1906 in 24m. 19s.

In scoring, the first six men of each team will be counted. Each place will count according to its numerical value, and the team having the least total will win. Harvard and Technology have each won twice, the University team being victorious last year by the score of 27 to 53.

The teams will be made up as follows: Harvard--C. D. Burrage '11, R. E. Dole '10, G. R. Harding, '11, P. C. Heald '11, H. Jaques, Jr., '11, H. Y. Masten '10, G. Murphy '10, E. Parson '11, W. P. Rogers '11, M. H. Whitney '09; Technology--C. L. Bachelder '09, C. P. Eldred '11, R. Ellis '09, H. H. Howland '09, E. Jacobs '10, W. T. McCreadie '11, D. G. Mackenzie '11, J. P. McCarthy '09, L. O. Mills '10, J. N. Stephenson '09. J. D. Leland '09 and W. M. Rand '09 for Harvard, and J. A. Gram and F. H. Briggs for Technology, will be the judges. The timers will be W. A. Colwell for Harvard and B. Kirshoff for Technology.
